After your first semester, have you started thinking that another college or university might be a better fit for you? Read our blog post to explore the reasons why you might consider transferring.
Pre-College Programs
Pre-college programs give students the opportunity to experience college life and explore a topic of interest on their campuses over the summer.
Spotlight on Swarthmore College
Get the scoop on Swarthmore College, from its history, traditions, and notable alumni to admissions data.
Early Admissions Data Class of 2029
Early Decision and Early Action trends and acceptance rates for the class of 2029.
Spring College Advice for Juniors
As the school year draws to a close, here are a few things juniors should be thinking about as you prepare to apply to college.
Reasons to Begin the College Search Now
Junior spring is a busy time, but it’s the best time to start your college search in earnest.
Colleges With Cool “Pre-Orientation” Programs
List of exciting pre-orientation programs for incoming college students.
Applying to STEM and Pre-Med Majors: What You Need to Know
Here are some things to keep in mind as you start off on your path toward applying to a college STEM or pre-med program.
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