The end of your senior year of high school is a really incredible time. As you’re looking forward to the exciting leap into your freshman year of college, you’re probably also looking back at your high school journey, wondering what it will be like to move from your familiar world into a totally new place. How can you make the most of this time? Read on for some ideas on making this amazing transition.
Although college is right on the horizon, it’s important to make sure you finish your academic school year strong and resist the temptation to give in to senioritis. It may be helpful to think of this time in school not as the end of high school, but as the beginning of college. Use your coursework and projects as “training” for the much more difficult work you’ll soon be doing. Keep in mind that as challenging as your classes feel now, college will present a whole new level of challenge. You want your intellectual and study skills sharp. It’s also possible that the college where you’ve been admitted will require end-of-semester grade reports, and you want to be able to send strong transcripts (and although it’s rare, colleges do sometimes rescind an acceptance when a student’s grades plummet during their senior year).
Now is also a great opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends. Even if you aren’t moving far from home for college, you will most likely be seeing a lot less of your family once you move away; make sure to take time to be present and enjoy these last few months living together. Whether it’s cooking a meal, collaborating on a house project, or spending a fun Saturday out and about together, you’ll treasure the memories you’ll make during this particular turning point in your life. Enjoy the things you love about your hometown before you move away. If there’s anything you’ve always wanted to do and haven’t done yet (hiked a local trail with a friend, gone to a museum, visited an elder) now is a good time to do that!
Over the summer, you’ll want to start thinking about your move. What kind of supplies do you need for your dorm room and for school? Don’t wait until the last minute to figure these details out! What do you want to take with you to college? What do you want to leave behind? How much space will you have in your dorm room, and how do you want to fill that space? Putting energy and intention into envisioning your new space can make the transition a lot easier and more meaningful.
You’re about to make a huge shift in your life, and as exciting as it is, it can also feel daunting. You can ease anxiety you might have by taking time to appreciate the people who have helped you on your journey so far. Teachers, counselors, coaches, religious leaders, community members, friends–make sure you thank these people and let them know how much you appreciate their support. People in your community are rooting for you and are excited to see you spread your wings–enjoy that feeling as you look to what comes next!
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