If you’re starting high school this fall, you may be feeling both excited and nervous, and that’s understandable. There is a lot to juggle as you acclimate to the new demands of high school. And although college application time may seem like a long way off, your academic and extracurricular choices in freshman year can set you up for success–both when the time to apply to college comes and for the years in between. Here are some things to keep in mind as you embark on your high school adventure.
Get to know your counselors.
School guidance counselors are an amazing resource for planning your course schedule and helping you know what to take when. They can help you see the “big picture” of your high school journey and make choices that will let you shine. It’s a great idea to get to know your counselor and establish a rapport now, rather than waiting to come to them when there’s a problem. Schedule a meeting with your counselor and talk with them about your interests and goals; you’ll probably get some great insights on which courses to take, and you’ll start to build a relationship that will be important over the next four years.
Keep your grades up from the beginning.
Most colleges will look at all of your high school grades, even those from freshman year. Work hard to establish good study habits and time management from the beginning. If you start out motivated and high performing, you will set a trend for the rest of your high school career.
The knowledge you’ll gain in your freshman year will form a foundation that you’ll need over the next few years. Also, keep in mind that selective colleges will want to see grades from all five core subjects—that’s English, math, science, social studies, and a foreign language—for all four years of high school. The sooner you start establishing a strong academic performance, the better.
Familiarize yourself with the course offerings at your high school.
High schools can offer a variety of course options, including IB or AP, honors or advanced, and College Prep or Pre-AP. Some schools have a tracking system where students may have difficulty switching from regular to honors courses. Or your school may not have honors or elective courses at all. Ask about the options at your high school now so that you can make informed curriculum choices.
Find out what sort of standardized testing is offered at your school.
Some high schools schedule the PSAT or the PLAN for their freshmen and sophomore students. Ask if your school offers the PSAT or PLAN for freshmen or sophomores, and if so, when you would be taking them.
Advocate for yourself academically.
The truth is, high school is significantly more challenging than middle school. It’s not uncommon for students to struggle with the transition to a new schedule, workload, and environment. If you find that you’re facing challenges with your coursework once the school year starts, don’t wait to get help. There’s absolutely no shame in seeking tutoring, a supportive study group, or guidance from a teacher or counselor—in fact, learning to ask for help is a valuable skill, and your teachers will respect you for it!
Explore extracurriculars.
Freshman year is a good opportunity to reevaluate your interests and possibly try some new pursuits. Take a look at the activities you’ve participated in during the summer and after school up until this point and decide if you want to continue those activities in high school. If there are new things you’re interested in trying—a sport, newspaper, yearbook, a school club—give it a shot! It’s fine to try out several activities and see what you’re truly drawn to. Avoid choosing activities solely because you think it will look good for college later on. Instead, seek communities and commitments that genuinely excite you, and think about where you might be able to step up in a leadership role down the road.
Learn more about yourself.
Do you learn more from listening to a podcast than from reading a book? Do you ace standardized tests, or do you prefer group projects where you can bounce ideas off others? There are three scientifically established ways of learning: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic (that is, physical or tactile). Knowing how you learn best is a wonderful way to optimize your study habits and thrive in school (and life!). There are plenty of online resources to help you figure out what type of learner you are.
Establish healthy habits.
The pressures of high school can be immense, and you’ll be much better equipped to thrive if you’re as physically healthy as you can be. Physical health comes with so many benefits; it’s correlated with increased focus and better decision-making outcomes. So, although pulling all-nighters may be tempting, now is a perfect time to prioritize sleep. Healthy food choices and exercise are also essential. Start exploring what kinds of healthy habits you enjoy now, and you’ll be setting the stage for overall well-being in the years to come.
And finally…don’t think about specific colleges just yet!
You’ve probably heard of some “good” schools from your parents or your friends, or maybe your older brother or sister, but there’s no way to know right now which school will be the best fit for you by senior year. What appeals to you as a senior in high school may be very different than what appeals to you right now, so try not to get fixated on where you want to go just yet. Remember—just because you’ve heard of a school doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for you, and just because you haven’t heard of a school doesn’t mean it isn’t a good fit!
Focusing on these foundational skills and habits in your freshman year will go a long way toward preparing you to think about more specific college-related questions down the road. For now, apply your energy to doing your best and finding what you love. An easy first step is to grab a planner or calendar and start writing down the things you need and want to do so you’ll find yourself in an organized position to start ninth grade this fall.
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