Get caught up on the latest news in college admissions, including the reinstatement of the standardized testing requirement, SAT cancellations, and big news from the NCAA.
This Week in College Admissions – 05/07/2021
Get caught up on the latest news in college admissions, including enrollment declines at community colleges, hazing concerns, mental health initiatives, and tour guides on strike.
Sourcery 101: Using and Citing Texts in Your Academic Writing
Our webinar offered tips and examples for working with sources in your academic writing.
Admissions and Testing: Initial Review of 2020-2021
Read highlights from our webinar, in which we discussed trends in college applications, SAT, ACT, and AP tests, how to build your college list, and how to handle admissions decisions.
Questions to Ask on a College Tour
8 important questions you never thought to ask your tour guide.
College Tours During Covid
With campuses re-opening for in-person tours and more virtual options than ever, how should you plan your college search during Covid?
This Week in College Admissions – 04/09/2021
Get caught up on the latest news in college admissions, including information on Ivy League acceptance rates, required vaccinations for a return to campus, graduate admissions, and covid testing.
Ivy League Acceptance Rates – Class of 2025
Get the data on Ivy League applications and acceptances in 2021.