College visits can help inform your school list. To get the most out of campus tours, think of the right questions to ask–those ranging from academic opportunities, to how social life works, to what professors are like, to career counseling options. We’ve provided you with a list of questions to ask current students specifically so that you can learn more about their experience at the college you’re visiting.
- Why did you choose your specific major?
- Who is your favorite professor and why?
- What is it like to transition from high school to this college?
- How accessible are professors typically?
- Generally, do you feel that professors are engaged in their students’ education? Can you tell me how one of your professors has supported you or someone you know?
- What was the most impactful or meaningful course (academically or personally) that you have taken so far?
- What’s the academic environment like on campus?
- How many of your classes are taught by TAs?
- What are midterms and finals like?
- What reputation does my major have?
- Could you describe a day in the life of a student in your department?
Campus and Social Life
- What is your typical weekday like?
- What is your typical weekend like?
- Why did you choose this college?
- How would you describe the campus culture?
- What are the best reasons to go to this college?
- What do you do in your free time? What do you love about this college?
- What is it like to live in this city/town?
- What are your favorite and least favorite things about attending this college?
- What are 3-4 things you would like to change about the school?
- How easy is it to get around campus or off campus?
- Are there places within walking distance or do you need a car?
- How is parking on campus?
- What is the relationship between the college and neighboring community like?
- How do students engage in the broader community? (Do they stay on campus or do they participate in the community outside of school?)
- What’s the social vibe like on campus?
- What do students do for fun—on campus and off?
- What do you wish you had known before you started attending this university?
- Where are your favorite places to eat on or near campus and why? What do you order there?
- Do you feel safe on campus?
Student Activities and Involvement
- What is the most impactful or meaningful extracurricular activity that you have been a part of?
- How involved are students in extracurriculars?
- Which activities are most popular?
- What’s Greek life like and how do students feel about it?
- How active is the student body in terms of sports?
- How popular are campus sporting events amongst fans?
- Are any art or music practice spaces available to non-majors?
- What has the school done to help you grow?
- Would you describe students as having a well-balanced life (between school, jobs, extracurriculars, hobbies, and downtime)?
- What can you tell me about the students that I cannot learn from reading the school website?
Residential Life
- Do you like living in the dorms?
- What’s the residential life vibe?
- How many dorms are there, and how do they differ?
- Have you used the student health center? If so, how was your experience?
- How are the amenities, such as the college gym or recreational equipment rental center?
- What are the off-campus living options, and what do they typically cost?
- Have you lived in multiple dorms? If so, did you switch?
Remember that your time on campus is limited, so it’s important not to ask a question that can be answered by simply searching the school website. Don’t forget to jot down what captures your attention about each college you tour in order to figure out the pros and cons of adding them to your school list. Soon, you will be tasked with deciding where to apply and tailoring supplemental essays to specific schools in order to demonstrate your interest and show school fit. These visits, and drawing on the answers to questions asked during campus tours, will prove very helpful.
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