Whether known as J-Term,” “Jan Plan,” “or some other creative name, the month of January is a special one on many college campuses. Offering students a change of pace from the academic rigors of the traditional semester, these month-long January programs provide a lively interlude in the middle of the year. See which colleges and universities offer a 4-1-4 schedule and what takes place during the first month of the new year!
As the inventor of the January term, Colby College was the first institution to establish a 4-1-4 calendar. Colby’s “Jan Plan” takes place between the two academic semesters and students must take three of them to graduate. Truth be told, almost all students participate all four years. Opportunities to pursue undergraduate research, engage in cross-disciplinary interests, and explore career paths through internships abound. Off-campus courses in everything from the “Geography of Bermuda” to language immersion classes in Paris (France), Siena (Italy), or St. Petersburg (Russia) round out the amazing offerings.
Winter term at Elon University finds students “Bursting the Bubble” (leading their own courses on everything from floral design to using the Maker Hub) or studying away from their North Carolina campus. Trips and topics for 2024 include “Costa Rica: Language, Culture and Ecotourism”; “Morocco: Human Service and Studies Practicum”; “Vietnam: Business and Culture”;” England: Literary Landscapes”; “Washington, DC: Arts Capital?” and “Gateway to Business in Los Angeles.”
At Oberlin College, Winter Term offers an immersive experience, giving students the chance to pursue their personal interests outside the classroom. The possibilities are endless when it comes to Oberlin’s Winter Term projects. Students must complete three “WT projects” to graduate, and they use their time developing new skills, conducting research, preparing for careers, or expanding their academic experience. Opportunities include international trips to Egypt, France, Germany, Mexico, Nepal, and Uruguay. Group projects on everything from Letterpress Printing to Film Scoring are sure to engage Elon students throughout January.
MIT students and faculty enjoy a month of IAP (Independent Activities Period) each January, taking time for flexible teaching and learning, along with independent study and research. All members of the MIT community are welcome to create offerings that share a talent, expertise, or personal interest. A sample of past offerings include sessions on “Sustainable Fashion through Mending”; “Ikebana: The Art of Japanese Flower Arranging”; “Chalk of the Day Art Workshops”; “Making a Solar-Powered IoT Environmental Sensor”; and “Private Pilot Ground School.”
Students at Trinity College can “Study Away” during their J-term. Short, intense trips led by Trinity faculty allow students to live, study, and volunteer through “culturally conscious and locally integrated” programs. In 2024, students will be traveling to Rome, where they will enroll in one of the three courses offered: Food & Culture, Italy’s Holocaust, or The Politics of Magnificence.
At Williams College, January is for “Winter Study,” where every student chooses something special to pursue. While some students opt for travel or find an internship, others choose from a wide variety of innovative courses. Offerings range from “Photography and Personal Vision” and “Intro to Animal Tracking” to “Welding in the Third Dimension” and “Sports Economics.” Additionally, Winter Study fellowships such as the Levien Family Winter Study Journalism Fellowship provides one or two students with funding to pursue an independent journalism project.
While January can be cold and bleak in many areas of the country, it is clearly a time for exploration and enrichment at these colleges and universities. The 4-1-4 academic calendar turns January into an exciting opportunity for experiences beyond the classroom.
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